This one is dedicated to the Father of the Modern Zombie...George Romero. It stemmed from an idea I had for a comic that never panned out. I may go back to it some day if I can get it hammered out. Anywho here is a resident of this place inspired by the master, enjoying a cold one on a peaceful day.
Art,Comics,Music,Movies,and whatever the HECK I wanna talk about...My name is Mike and I approve this message.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Frank Frazetta is just a flat out master of his craft. Like bazillions of others some of his work has been emblazoned into my pysche. His ICONIC Conan paintings are amongst my favorites. I have did a few sketches of random characters in Frank's BADASS Conan image. Probably the last character that belongs in one would be Napolean Dynamite...but I went there anyway. Mad respect and apologies to Mr. Frazetta!!! Sorry for the bad scan but it's all that I have of the artwork.
The Fight Before Christmas!
I used to do my own Christmas cards to give to all of my friends and family. Most of them weren't anything I ever was too happy with enough to hold onto. This one was my fave of all the ones I did. I may still end up doing some sort of mini comic or strip with the chracters on it. Happy Holidays everyone!!! (A bit early albeit...)
Grimes...Rick Grimes
One of my favorite comics and TV shows is THE WALKING DEAD. Here a go at some Rick Grimes art that I did a while back. Not my best work but I had fun with it and certain aspects of it helped me learn a few more things that I am applying to my work. So here's Mr. Grimes looking a little rough after a bout a walker who got the business end of Rick's revolver...
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Clowns...I like 'em. The nastier the better. This is another piece I did while rehabbing from ACL surgery. This one in particular has been a naughty clown and locked away for the sake of others...
This one started out as a stereotypical rotting zombie. I didn't like the eyes I had done so I erased them and just for goofs sketched in these big hollow sockets. The more I worked on it the more I liked it. I added some lumpy cyst looking things to it for added yucks...
Not too long ago while I was recuperating from ACL replacement surgery I did this piece. Mostly just to try some new things with my style and to knock the rust off of the lack of doing art for a bit of time. I'm mostly ok with how it turned out and enjoyed doing it. Enjoy!
MAN OF THE HOUR comes forth from David Alluisi and Jesus Marquez. The pair co-created this 21 page, full color, COMIC BOOK. Why did I emphasize COMIC BOOK? (see I did it again) Well I did because MAN OF THE HOUR is a COMIC BOOK and it is damn proud of it!
David Alluisi provides the dialogue along with co-creator details. His script is smart and funny. He knows exactly what kind of story he wants to tell and succeeds fantastically.
Jesus Marquez handles the artwork along with the co-creator duties. Marquez has a unique and bold style that brings this comic to life. His characters pop from the pages with tons and tons of personality.
Mark Melton is the color man on the art team. He takes Marquez's art and cranks the volume on it up to MAXIMUM. This is one awesome looking book.
Brant Fowler lettered the book and fits right in the mix. His word balloons and sound FX further enhance what's on the pages. Great stuff abounds on all creative fronts. These gents have chemistry and it really shows on the pages.
MAN OF THE HOUR introduces Wilbur Walters, a man whom has a date with cosmic destiny. A man who as the promo art above states is an "Unlikely" choice as "Earth's Only Hope Against Annihilation". Wilbur isn't dashing and daring. Not even gifted with a vast intellect. This fella is the last person anyone would want as their hero...and that's where the fun starts. Chosen to bear the COSMIC CRANK which gives him super powers for an hour at a time, Walters dons a costume (complete with underwear on the outside) and takes on the mantle of "MINUTE MAN". Wait, what the hell is a "COSMIC CRANK"?!? Imagine if you will the arc reactor in the chest of Tony Stark from the Iron Man flicks. Now imagine that concept but with a wind-up dial like on a cooking timer. Strange? Silly? Yeppers to both. That's the kind of book this is. Did I mention there is GIANT MONSTER and he's made of snot? How can this Menacing Mound of Mucous be stopped? Can Minute Man handle the task at hand? NO SPOILERS here, but I promise that it's a HELLUVA good time.
MAN OF THE HOUR is a big ol' love letter to Silver Age Comics. The kind of comics where nothing was impossible and everything was big and bombastic. It's a celebration of all of the things that are wacky and weird and to blazes with comics that take themselves way too seriously. It's these things and yet it's more. The fellas have created something here that stands on it's own as well. They've made a universe that lives and breathes and personally made me feel like a kid again...sitting beside my bed with a stack of my faves or sitting in front of the tube with a bowl of cereal waiting on Saturday Morning Cartoons to start. There aren't too many books that I can find that feeling in anymore. Thank goodness for MAN OF THE HOUR!
So far this is the sole chapter of MAN OF THE HOUR but more is to come I hope! It scores on all levels and I urge anyone that loves FUN COMICS to get em a copy. A group of talented fellows put their hearts and souls into this project and boy did they shine. I know I'm gushing and need to reel it in a I will leave it with this. MAN OF THE HOUR DELIVERS!!!!!!!!
Check out for more from Mr. Marquez
Hit him up on Twitter: @THEjesusmarquez
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Heroes, Villains, and Moloids...Oh My!!!
So here we are again with another batch of Sketchcards I did over the last coupl'a days. First up on the top Right is the Hero from Jesus Marquez' comic "MAN OF THE HOUR" ( and it just so happens that I have My Review of this particular Comic coming soon!!! ) To the Left is Joe Martino's villain "TRENCHMOUTH" from his comic "THE MIGHTY TITAN" ( Check out my review of issue one as well as my Creator Conversation with Mr. Martino RIGHT HERE on the Doodlebook! ). Last and center on the bottom is a "Moloid" of Marvel Comics fame. So as usual I hope these guys are enjoyed!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
ONE BADA$$ TOY!!!!!! is a favorite haunt of mine. This morning I ran across this sweet little tid-bit. NECA is releasing a MOHAWK in SPIDER-GREMLIN form!!!! In case you forgot this is the mega wicked nasty that appears in GREMLINS 2:THE NEW BATCH. Check the following link for the full deal!!!
Here's a couple more for the sketchcard files.To the left we have a quickie sketch of the Chestburster from the ALIEN movies. I know he's not 100% design accurate but I did him from memory. Nasty and fun little creatures to draw! To the right a quick sketch of Raphael from the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. Hope ya like!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Creator Conversation with "MIGHTY" JOE MARTINO
DDB: Thanks so much for the time you're giving to do this! It's the first of many ( I hope ) creator conversations I plan to do here at the "Doodlebook". Tell us a little about yourself.
JM: "I am a tattooed IT guy from New Jersey. I have three awesome kids, an awesome fiance, and two cool cats. I am also a two time cancer survivor and comic creator. I've been published by Arcana, Coscom Entertainment, Main Enterprises and a few others. I am the creator of Shadowflame, Ripperman, and now The Mighty Titan."
DDB: How did you discover comic books and what were your early influences?
JM: "My cousin was a collector. He is five years older than me. I always wanted to read his comics but I wasn't allowed. When I was nine or ten my mother got me a subscription to Amazing Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk. I was hooked. I started "collecting" comics at 13. I loved John Byrne, George Perez, Mike Zeck, Jerry Ordway and so many others. I would just draw for hours."
- (Jerry Ordway did cover art for the first issue of THE MIGHTY TITAN!!!)
DDB: When did you decide you wanted to create them in some capacity?
JM: "I am not really sure. . .probably 8th grade."
DDB: Who are some of you favorite creators?
JM: "I said some of them above. I am a huge Ivan Reis and Bryan Hitch fan. The list is so long. I can't even think about it. It is like asking what my favorite food is."
DDB: "What gets Joe Martino fired up to create?
JM: "Music! I listen to Slayer or Iron Maiden and I write or draw. Also seeing, seeing other people doing great work is very inspiring. Sometimes when I leave a great movie I can get a rush of inspiration."
DDB: You and I talked about our mutual love of music, specifically the Metal genre. Talk a little about that and what role it plays in your creative process.
JM: "Well, as I said I am a music fan and Metal is my favorite. The first album I ever bought on my own was AC/DC's Back In Black. Shortly after that it was all Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, and Iron Maiden. I am a big Van Halen fan from back in those days too. I am a bass player and tried to be a rock-star for about five years. It is amazing the similarities between the music business and the comic business. Very similar."
DDB: The Mighty Titan is a great comic. What led you to his creation?
JM: " Well, Thank you. I was home on disability from my first cancer in 2004. I started to think about how we all feel a little immortal and invulnerable at times in our lives. Until one day with one diagnosis you never feel like that again. That was me. I thought what would it be like if an invulnerable hero got a terminal disease. Titan was born."
DDB: At the end of the day what do you hope people get out of your work?
JM: "I want them to be entertained. On some level I want people to know what someone with a cancer diagnosis goes through. It is a very scary time. Not only for the person, but for their family as well."
DDB: What's next after Titan?
JM: "I am working on a few things now. The Mighty Titan is first and foremost but I have another crossover with the Wraith and Shadowflame that is in the inking phase. I am working on a one-shot with Bob Sodaro of my character Cyberine. . .and of course more Ripperman. There are only so many hours in a day. I have a full time job as well!"
Joe Martino's RIPPERMAN
DDB: What would you say to those who may be new to The Mighty Titan or on the fence about picking it up?
JM: "What's the matter with you?! No, I would say that if you are a fan of Marvel or DC, you won't be disappointed. My comics are geared toward people who like comic books. I am not trying to reinvent anything. Fun comics with serious situations. Escapism. The reason we all started reading them in the first place!"
DDB: What's the toughest thing about creating comics?
JM: "Just like in a band, working with a team is tough. Especially when it is your book and you have certain things in mind. That and promotion. It is so difficult to break through the wall of noise that is the Internet and get my work to the people that may like it. I couldn't go viral if I was the Ebola virus."
DDB: I love that Titan has REAL problems. Here's a guy that constantly does the fantastic but at the end of the day humanity has come knocking at his door.
JM: "The same reason we love Peter Parker. At day's end he is human with real problems. Titan has to worry about paying the rent just like you or I do."
DDB: " Joe, I gotta ask you. . . where did Trenchmouth ( Titan's villain ) come from? He is just deliciously nasty and vile!
JM: "I don't even know! I tried to come with a name that was equally as disgusting as the man. He is just a foul disgusting man and he always has been. I asked my friend and artist John Orlando to help visualize him. No one does ugly like John!"
DDB: Without spoiling anything, what can fans expect from the book in upcoming issues?
JM: "Each issue has it's own reveal. Issue two is more of an alter-ego issue. There is some cool action. Trenchmouth never rests but now Titan knows something is wrong with him and he is trying to figure out what and how to deal with it. I think some of this will be gut wrenching if I do my job right. I know it was affecting me as I was writing it and that is how I try to measure it. We will learn about where he ( Titan ) got his powers and why there is a Cyclops that wants to take the power away. Little tid-bits here and there."
DDB: Joe thanks again for your time! I am looking forward as I have said to The Mighty Titan as it continues and sincerely wish you all the best with it!
JM: "Thanks for coming up with these awesome questions!"
-Joe Martino is also on TWITTER @jgmcomics
-THE MIGHTY TITAN needs YOU!!! Check out Joe's Kickstarter campaign. He makes it WAAAAY worth your help!!! Some really AWESOME stuff available to those who back the book.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The End Is Totally Nigh PINUP...
"The End Is Totally Nigh" from Alterna Comics is a an awesome comic about demons and demon hunters. I recommend checking it out if your into that kind of thing! Anywho I did this pin-up for an issue of the book. Not sure if it saw print or not but here it is for you. The concept spins from a possessed little girl from one of the comics. She's amidst a mess as you can see and has been a very bad little hell-child...
H.R. Giger's Alien design is so wicked. Just a perfect nightmare. I love the creature and the first film. Although Aliens is a good movie I am not a fan of the whole HIVE concept that James Cameron introduced. It to me made the creature less scary and more of a giant killer bug. Here is my take on the ALIEN with all apologies to Mr. Giger. . .
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thanks to ALL OF YOU!!!
Just wanted to say a GIANT HEARTFELT THANK YOU to everyone who has visited DEDNECK'S DOODLEBOOK and to those that hopefully will! It means a lot that someone is interested enough in what I'm doing here enough to take the time to see. I hope at least something has been cool or of interest! Please come again and spread the word!!! I've got some pretty cool stuff in the works that's soon to come. I'm always happy to help spread word for creators in getting their stuff out to a bigger audience so if you or someone you know wants to contact me about a review for or perhaps a press release for a project GIVE ME A YELL!!! I'm on Twitter @hat_mike or Email me at or Again thanks so much!!! Cheers! -Mike Hatfield
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sketchcards RETURN!!!
Here are a few more of my recent Sketchcard doodles. Top Left is A HORROR variation on Iron Man's armor. I thought what if someone like Jason Voorhees had the armor. Top Right is another doodle of my psychotic teddy bear. Bottom Left is Poison Ivy of Batman fame (not too happy with this one but here she is anywho). Bottom Right is Sam from the terrific movie Trick R Treat (If you haven't watched it then I highly recommend it! It's tons of fun!!!
Character Creation for Simple
I was comissioned to do some artwork for a webpage about Outdoor Living and Prepping. I was asked to come up with a very simple character to be used throughout the page. The character would be a mascot of sorts and easily used in various situations revolving the outdoors. I came up with this guy whom I named "Ed of the world"...Pun Intended. I based this sketch on the movie poster from the film I AM LEGEND.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Venom Sketch
An older sketch I did of Venom from Spider-Man infamy. Fun to draw but sadly not always fun to
Campers BEWARE!
In honor of Jason's birthday I am reposting this old Jason drawing. He was based off of Jason from F13 Part 4 which is my fave of the Jason flicks. Happy birthday ya ugly bastich.
Liberator Issue #1 Review
From the mind of Matt Miner and publisher Black Mask Studios (Occupy Comics, 12 Reason to Die) comes issue #1 of "Liberator". I recently sat down with the book to check it out. What I found left me sitting with mixed emotions but I will get to that in a little bit. First let me talk about the team behind the book...
Out of the gate comes the aforementioned Matt Miner. Mr. Miner is the writer/creator of Liberator. Mr. Miner is also a self described "dedicated dog rescuer". Familiar with Scott Snyder of American Vampire and Batman fame? Well guess what, Matt Miner has understudied with Mr. Snyder...a damn fine person to learn from for sure!
Pencils and Inks on Liberator are by Javier Sanchez Aranda. His style is a nice fit for the tone of the book. It's tough and street level grittiness bring Miner's world onto the pages effectively. This isn't a capes and power rings world here. It's a real world with real people. It's a dirty and ugly place where ugly things happen. Javier absolutely handles his job and then some. There is one sequence in particular that left me feeling really uncomfortable after I read it. It's not exploitative but to be honest it's the one page of the book that really sold it for me. If you read it and this page doesn't strike a chord with you...then you got some issues my friend.
Colors are provided by Joaquin Pereyra. Like I said this isn't a bright and shiny world here and Pereyra continues setting that tone. The tones are dirty and dank. If I could compare it to anything I would say it has the tone of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original). Not a literal comparison but it captures that atmosphere of despair and uncomfortableness. His colors are another piece of the creative puzzle that slips perfectly into place.
The Letterer and Editor of Liberator are one and the same. Vito Delsante is your man here. He keeps the script a going without obscuring the artwork. Cheers sir. As always here at the Doodlebook no part of the creative team is unimportant! Shame on those who fail to give credit to the whole team...writers and pencilers a comic do not make!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that I have intro'd the creative team let's talk about the book. Mr. Miner I have a confession to make. When I first glanced through the book I wasn't a fan. I thought to myself "oh boy, here's a book that's not gonna be too enjoyable..." I thought it was gonna be preachy and come off just silly. Mr. Miner I offer up my apologies and I stand corrected. I sat down and I read Liberator and I processed it overnight. I thought about what I had read and how uncomfortable it made me and that it made me a little angry even.
Liberator issue one introduces to a world that we may not think about. A world that if we see it on television we may hit the channel button with haste. It's not a far off planet, or a sprawling metropolis where heroes fly and good triumphs over evil. Liberator exists in our world. Where heroes are regular people "and sometimes evil is simply doing nothing in the face of an atrocity." What atrocity? Like I spoke of before Matt Miner is a dog rescuer, a man with the heart and courage to help out where others (like myself) change the channel or turn their heads. It's also a really good comic book with some kick ass artwork. It also has a cover by Tim Seeley and Rod Reis! Not that it needs it but that an added bonus. This is the comic book equivalent of Heavy Metal music. It's nasty and dark and it's tough.
-Matt Miner is also donating ALL of his share of the profits to dog rescue work. Cheers Matt.
-Liberator Issue #1 is being released on June 19th 2013.
-Wanna know more about Matt Miner? Go to or or find him on Twitter at @MattMinerXVX
-Interested in Black Mask Studios? Hit 'em up
Out of the gate comes the aforementioned Matt Miner. Mr. Miner is the writer/creator of Liberator. Mr. Miner is also a self described "dedicated dog rescuer". Familiar with Scott Snyder of American Vampire and Batman fame? Well guess what, Matt Miner has understudied with Mr. Snyder...a damn fine person to learn from for sure!
Pencils and Inks on Liberator are by Javier Sanchez Aranda. His style is a nice fit for the tone of the book. It's tough and street level grittiness bring Miner's world onto the pages effectively. This isn't a capes and power rings world here. It's a real world with real people. It's a dirty and ugly place where ugly things happen. Javier absolutely handles his job and then some. There is one sequence in particular that left me feeling really uncomfortable after I read it. It's not exploitative but to be honest it's the one page of the book that really sold it for me. If you read it and this page doesn't strike a chord with you...then you got some issues my friend.
Colors are provided by Joaquin Pereyra. Like I said this isn't a bright and shiny world here and Pereyra continues setting that tone. The tones are dirty and dank. If I could compare it to anything I would say it has the tone of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original). Not a literal comparison but it captures that atmosphere of despair and uncomfortableness. His colors are another piece of the creative puzzle that slips perfectly into place.
The Letterer and Editor of Liberator are one and the same. Vito Delsante is your man here. He keeps the script a going without obscuring the artwork. Cheers sir. As always here at the Doodlebook no part of the creative team is unimportant! Shame on those who fail to give credit to the whole team...writers and pencilers a comic do not make!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that I have intro'd the creative team let's talk about the book. Mr. Miner I have a confession to make. When I first glanced through the book I wasn't a fan. I thought to myself "oh boy, here's a book that's not gonna be too enjoyable..." I thought it was gonna be preachy and come off just silly. Mr. Miner I offer up my apologies and I stand corrected. I sat down and I read Liberator and I processed it overnight. I thought about what I had read and how uncomfortable it made me and that it made me a little angry even.
Liberator issue one introduces to a world that we may not think about. A world that if we see it on television we may hit the channel button with haste. It's not a far off planet, or a sprawling metropolis where heroes fly and good triumphs over evil. Liberator exists in our world. Where heroes are regular people "and sometimes evil is simply doing nothing in the face of an atrocity." What atrocity? Like I spoke of before Matt Miner is a dog rescuer, a man with the heart and courage to help out where others (like myself) change the channel or turn their heads. It's also a really good comic book with some kick ass artwork. It also has a cover by Tim Seeley and Rod Reis! Not that it needs it but that an added bonus. This is the comic book equivalent of Heavy Metal music. It's nasty and dark and it's tough.
-Matt Miner is also donating ALL of his share of the profits to dog rescue work. Cheers Matt.
-Liberator Issue #1 is being released on June 19th 2013.
-Wanna know more about Matt Miner? Go to or or find him on Twitter at @MattMinerXVX
-Interested in Black Mask Studios? Hit 'em up
Black Mask
Bringing the punk rock ethic to comics c/o @steveniles @brettgurewitz @pizzolo supporting creators telling awesome & important stories
Captain Spaulding!!!
My take on the despicably lovable character Captain Spaulding from Rob Zombie's film "House of 1000 Corpses". My wife says that this is one of her favorite drawings of mine. I went for the essence of the character and cranked it up to a cartoon level of 10. Hope I was successful. What do you guys n gals think?
Don't make me draw...You wouldn't like me when I draw...
This is an older piece of mine. It originated one night when I was in the midst of some serious Drawer's Block (not a real word there I know...). I was quite frustrated and nothing was coming out on the paper worth looking at. After a brief trip out on front porch and a cold drink the idea hit me. Draw me being frustrated about with some inspiration from a certain Incredible Green guy this was born. Flash forward a few months to a show I had at a nearby gallery and this piece was the first one that I sold there. I really miss the piece but I was paid more than fair for it and it now hangs in a very nice frame in a really great person's home. It was a great lesson for me that there is always a good idea no matter where you find it.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
ZOE: OUT OF TIME Issue 1 Review
"Zoe:Out Of Time"... At first thought it doesn't sound like the title of a comic book. More like a movie, a novel, or perhaps a video game. You know what? That's perfectly fine. Why? Because this isn't your standard comic book fare. Not that there is anything wrong with standard comic books, I love em'. It is nice however when something different comes along and surprises me. I was more than a little happy when issue #1 of this book came my way and even happier after I finished reading it.
The book comes courtesy of creators/writers J. Michalski and Alexander Lagos. These two gentlemen have crafted a rock solid first issue here. They pull off more in one single issue than many comics do in three or four. They create a world and characters that feel real and not forced. Nothing cookie cutter here, these are people who have personality and genuine emotions. The script is well written and flows without hindering the pacing of the story.
The artist on the book is one Derlis Santacruz. I have nothing but praise for Mr. Santacruz and his talents. His is a clean and fluid style that is a great fit for Michalski and Lagos' story. The art hits all the beats. His page layouts move the story as it's intended. His characters all have great looks and he absolutely nails the backgrounds and non-living set pieces. The colors are gorgeous. Oren Kramek provides them and does so as a perfect companion to the art. When I first saw the book the thing that I noticed first was the colors. They jump off the page and are pleasing to the eye. My wife who has no interest at all in comics actually stopped and noticed the colors. It's like the panels are captured from animation.
Last but not least are the too often ignored members of the creative team the letterer and the editor. Antonio Rojo was the letterer and Zack Rosenberg the editor. Cheers gentlemen for the work you do!
Zoe:Out Of Time introduces us to Zoe Black, a young lady with tons of attitude and spunk. I really like her so far and look forward to seeing what journey the creators have in store for her. Zoe's father is a physicist who has come up with something that will change the world they live in as well as history. Zoe's infatuation with a rock-star of the past collides head on with her father's work. One of the highlights of the book is the relationship between Zoe and her dad. It's real and being a father myself it struck a chord with me. Did I mention that Zoe and her dad live in a distant future? Another cheers to the art team who brilliantly breathe life into the world that they inhabit. I won't spoil any of the plot points for anyone who (hopefully!!!) reads the book so I wont go any deeper into details. I will however say that if you like beautifully crafted and smartly written comic books with cute girls, action, time travel, and a dash of rock-n-roll then this is one you should check out. I honestly do not have one single complaint with this book at all...well maybe one. I have to wait to get the rest of the issues to find out what's next! Zoe:Out Of Time is a breath of fresh comic book air! Count me in for the rest of the ride!
Issue #1 is available RIGHT NOW at for the KINDLE!!!! Amazon lets you sample before you buy folks! Get a free look at Zoe! You can find it at
Issue #2 is planned for release on July 31st!!! Get on board now and you wont be behind when it drops!
Wanna know more about the book and her creative team? Check out
or find 'em on Facebook
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Top Left: "V is for Vampire!" Top Right: "Polly Possession" Bottom Left: "Venom" Bottom Right: "Vampira!" Sketchcards are fun to do and a great way to get the ol drawing routine warmed up. I'm open to sell them or do commisions if interested (At affordable prices!)
Love Dead. . .Hate Living
Another warm-up sketch. I can't say anything about him that hasn't already been said. Great fun to draw and I was pretty happy with the results. If interested in purchasing let me know...
The Gooey Dead...
Return of the Living Dead is one of my all time favorite movies. It's scary,funny,and just an all round good time. The Tar Man zombie is a great character and I decided ta draw him on a sketchcard. Here are my efforts...Look at your own risk though...HE WANTS BRAINS!!!
Joe Martino's MIGHTY TITAN issue # 1...Review
I first learned of Joe Martino over the last year as I explored the Twitter-verse and became acquainted with it. He was running a campaign on Kickstarter to fund the 1st issue of his own comic book titled "The Mighty Titan". I added Joe to my Following list both to learn more about his work and to meet new people with common interests. I learned that Joe was a man that had a story that he passionately wanted to tell. I learned that Joe had battled cancer and that TMT was a vehicle for him to tell that story in a sense. In the time that has since passed Joe was successful in getting the 1st issue released and is currently running another Kickstarter fundraiser to publish issue #2 of the book. Earlier this week Joe was gracious enough to connect me to a PDF version of issue 1 to review. As soon as I was able to sneak away from distractions I jumped into Titan's pages.
The cover of the book was provided by none other that THE Jerry Ordway! If you are not familiar with Mr. Ordway's artwork then I highly recomend that you hit up Bing or Google Images and check it out. BUT WAIT!!!!!!! There is another variant cover provided by Chris Giarrusso in which Chris puts a wonderful spin on Ordway's image (not familiar with Giarusso? Bing or Google!!!!). Joe's script and plot flow smoothly and he has surrounded himself with some terrific talent. Luca Cicchitti handles the penciling chores. His style is the right fit for the story as it is clean and dynamic but not hyper-exaggerated. I hope to see more of his work in the future. The book's inks are by Jeff Austin. Austin has a smooth line and really gives the art great depth and texture. Keith J. Betancourt is the colorist along with assists on 3 pages from Bryan Magnaye. The colors are rock solid and a perfect fit for the line work. Adam O. Pruett lettered the book and did a bang up job. Last but not least in the credits box is Robert J. Sodaro whom provided Editorial duties. Like I said before Joe has a great team with him here and they mesh well together.
I would love to give a page by page recap of
the book but if you check it out (and I hope you do) not knowing the
journey Joe's taking us on is what makes this such a satisfying read. Just skimming through the pages it looks like a classic superhero book. The caped hero at odds with the evil villain amidst the cityscape. At first it looks and seems all too familiar, comfy even. Then you add Joe's words to mix and find that this is a different flavor altogether. It reminds me of what I love about comics. It reminds me of what I no longer get from DC and Marvel. It reminds me that their are still young and hungry voices out there in the comics world. It's independent. It's Joe and Company's book and it's a damn fine one. I love Spidey and Batman as much as anyone but the days anyone other that the top names in the industry working on them is over.
The Mighty Titan is a story that ought to be told. Joe Martino is a storyteller that deserves the chance to tell it. I can't wait to get issue #2 in my paws to see where this is all going. Great stuff... Joe is on Twitter: Joe Martino @jgmcomics and all art and content in regards to The Mighty Titan belong to Joe. . .
P.S. Thanks again for the PDF Joe!!! Keep that Reign In Blood cranked!!!
The Mighty Titan is a story that ought to be told. Joe Martino is a storyteller that deserves the chance to tell it. I can't wait to get issue #2 in my paws to see where this is all going. Great stuff... Joe is on Twitter: Joe Martino @jgmcomics and all art and content in regards to The Mighty Titan belong to Joe. . .
P.S. Thanks again for the PDF Joe!!! Keep that Reign In Blood cranked!!!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
The Right Hand of Doom!!!
Who doesn't dig Hellboy?!? I sure as heck do. This one was a pencil drawing I did back when I had a Facebook page. An old pal of mine saw it there and asked if he could ink and color it. I said sure and he absolutely love what he did with it. I am horrible with colors myself and typically ruin anything I touch with em. So thanks to you Holiday"Ian"!!! A bang up job on polishing my art up and giving it life!!! Lemme know what ya think!!!
This started out as a doodle on an envelope when I was in the mood to sketch but had no art pad with me. I really like what I had put down so I kept it and when I got home I threw some inks and colors on it. The combining of Silent Bob and Hellboy was a perfect fit to me and I had a ton of fun doing it. Hope you dig it!
Badthings. . .
This is an older piece I did. I call him "Badthings The Clown" and he is a character that I sort of use to vent negative emotions out whenever I am in a not so good mood. His origin stems from an old drawing I did for a female who is no longer in my life who had me draw her a cute clown. As they often do the relationship ended on a sour note and that clown in my head came back out on paper as the image you see here. He's a fun character to draw albeit a bit nasty I know. But he does help me get rid of not so nice feelings and emotions in a completely legal and people friendly way!
Best In The World. . .
I have been a fan of pro wrestling since I was a kid. I wouldnt say that I am a fanatic but still more than a casual fan. I think the love of comics, music, and movies all tie in with what I like about it. This piece is of C.M. Punk of current WWE fame if ya don't know. It started as a pencil sketch and I went ahead and threw some inks onto it. What do ya's think? Leave a comment and let me know!
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